About Meta

Professional and Dedicated

Rosanna Mattingly, director at Meta Writing and Education Services, has a lifelong love of learning and getting the word out about how amazing the world truly is. She created Meta Writing and Education Services because words have the power to communicate our experience of both the natural and the cultural world, to encourage our learning, and to change our lives on this incredible planet.

Rosanna’s work is supported by formal education in the biological and ecological sciences

B.A., University of Louisville, Biology
M.S., Michigan State University, Fisheries and Wildlife
Ph.D., Oregon State University, Aquatic Ecology

and grounded in long-term experience in academic research and university teaching. To this she adds decades of experience in writing/editing materials and preparing them for publication. She has published professionally in academic research and education journals, written for general audiences, and developed and field-tested curricula involving science and natural resources.

Rosanna brings her unique perspective and understanding to her partnership with clients. She is committed to ensuring the quality and integrity of the finished work—and in the process, to helping clients keep their words exceptional. It matters.



Rosanna began editing during her graduate-school years when fellow students would ask for help in improving their theses and dissertations. Only later did she begin to edit professionally (i.e., for pay). Some of her past and present clients are individuals, organizations, and agencies listed further down on this page. Samples of projects, including nature/natural resources writing and educational materials based on her research in the sciences, appear on the http://iowabookgal.com/wp_wrong_datlib.php Experience page.


Additional Background

Additional background information is available in a short  Ölgiy resume,  Meta’s brochureand the Preface of her book about the honey bee, Honey-Maker: How the Honey Bee Worker Does What She Does. Although Rosanna’s field/laboratory research has focused primarily on streams and rivers, including studies of aquatic insects, the book grew out of her experiences as a beekeeper.

A native of Kentucky, Rosanna makes her home in Portland, Oregon. A little cat named Mariah lives there, too. She has helped develop and then keep watch over the pages of this website!



How might Meta Writing and Education Services support you in getting your words out there, ready for print on paper or online? Contact Rosanna to discuss how she might help!

CRITFC owes you many thanks, as the scientific credibility of the TRP is mainly because of your insistence on a high level of professionalism.... On behalf of the four treaty tribes, please accept our unending appreciation.

Ted Strong | Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission

Your writing is simply wonderful and right on target.... We would love to work with you in the future!

Marjie Braun Knudsen & Jenne R. Henderson | Summertime Press

Thank you for suggesting I explain a few things. Years ago, Washington State, teacher training days, a supervisor told me, "You think if you know a certain thing, everybody knows it."

Anita Alexander | Educator and Beekeeper

I've always found Rosanna diligent, effective, and cooperative. I recommend her for anything she sets out to do.

Ralph McNees | Forest Research Laboratory, Oregon State University

I love your writing style, Rosanna. I love the way you write life into the details and don’t patronize the reader...

Karessa Torgerson | Nectar Bee Supply

Masterfully written and illustrated to highlight the incredible morphological adaptations...

Judy Wu | University of Minnesota

Another amazing project completed. Thank you for your continued perseverance under not always so great conditions. BRAVO!

Jan Lohman | Oregon State Beekeepers Association

I didn’t think there was another way to write a book about bees, but Rosanna Mattingly found one.

Kim Flottum | Editor, Bee Culture

Rosanna’s focus is on helping a writer get to the core of what she is trying to say….She is a professional in every sense of the word: thorough, highly skilled in writing mechanics, sensitive to the egos of writers, and discrete with information gained during the team-working process.

Sharon Streeter | diomo: a straw hat production

Selected Clients

Linden Press

Forest Research Laboratory, Oregon State University

Oregon State Beekeepers Association

Feldenkrais-Zentrum Heidelberg

USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center

diomo: a straw hat production

Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission

Sustainable Forestry Partnership, Oregon State University

Papyrus Press, LLC

Portland State University

Oregon Public Broadcasting

Pacific Habitat Services

Mt. Hood National Forest, USDA Forest Service

Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve

 eeps media

Austin Peay State University

Kendall Hunt Publishing Company

 US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

Tobacco-Free Coalition of Oregon

Illinois Department of Natural Resources

Selected Memberships and Certifications

American Association for the Advancement of Science
National Writers Union
Northwest Independent Editors Guild
Oregon Emerging Small Business
Oregon Woman Business Enterprise
Oregon Writers Colony
Willamette Writers

Sample Projects

Where the Huckleberries Grow

Where the Huckleberries Grow Cover

Even Seagulls Cry

Even Seagulls Cry Cover

Honey-Maker: How the Honey Bee Worker Does What She Does

Cover of Honey-Maker

The Bee Line

Masthead for newsletter, The Bee Line