Selected Book Reviews

Selected Book Reviews

  • Selected Book Reviews Book reviews I have done over time include:

Title: BRAVE: A Story about Social Anxiety

Authors: M.B. Knudsen and J.R. Henderson

Publisher: Summertime Press. Portland, Oregon.

Title: Chirping Insects

Editor: S.A. Johnson

In: Science Books and Films 23(1): 34–35

Title A Scientist at the Seashore

Author: J. Trefil

In: Journal of College Science Teaching 25(6): 564

Title: A Great Barrier Reef: A Treasure in the Deep

Author: A. Gilbreath

In: Science Books and Films 22(2): 99

Title: Homes in the Sea: From the Shore to the Deep

Author: J.H. Sibbald

In: Science Books and Films 22(2): 99

Title: Principles of Wildlife Management

Author: J.A. Bailey

In: The American Biology Teacher 47: 444

Title: They Work with Wildlife

Author: E.R. Ricciuti

In: Science Books and Films 19: 286

Title: Interpreting the Environment

Author: G.W. Sharpe

In: Science Books and Films 18: 8

Title: Dynamics of Marine Fish Populations

Author: Brian J. Rothschild

For: Journal of College Science Teaching

Title: Earth Day

Author: W.W. Gore

For: Journal of College Science Teaching

Title: Our Natural Resources and Their Conservation

Authors: H.B. Kircher, D.L. Wallace, and D.J. Gore

For: Journal of College Science Teaching

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